Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mosey On Over Here

Welcome! Hopefully you're either from my Tumblr blog ( or you're discovering my blog by some other means. Whatever the case, thanks for stopping by!

Now, if you're an old reader - not age-wise, but, a veteran reader of mine - you know how I love to talk about myself. I read an interesting article today, The 19 Commandments of Blogging by Sasha Murdali, the post which you can find here. She says in one of her points that blogs should have a main focus. That's a struggle for me. I'm a teenage girl who's mind is whirling with ideas and possibilities for my future, no real desire to talk about the same thing from a different perspective every night. Nor do I want to make this a personal journal that I just post to the world.

So, naturally, I believe the focus of Dead Of Night is for all of you to learn about my mind set and view of things. Sure, I dont have that strong of an opinion on topics that dont concern me, or that are none of my business, but I do feel the need to have a voice about a lot of things. Once I have an idea of what I want to say, I go on here, and blah blah blah all about it.

I do think I'll start talking more about books. Starting tomorrow with a really awesome book I read over vacation. Ill also talk about other things, dont worry! Smiley face.

Alright. I think I've yapped enough and rambled to my hearts content for the night. Now I shall go do a bit of hunting for more follows on Twitter (link on the right!) and blog on Tumblr about coming over here.

Night all you fabulous readers!